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synergy: the interaction of two or more people to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects

featured: About

featured in

The Courage Connection: How to Make Friends with Fear

Cuppa Chels Podcast (2024)

This dynamic duo dives deep into the transformative power of facing our fears. This episode is a heartfelt exploration of how making friends with fear can lead to remarkable personal growth and success. Both Chelsea and Melanie share insights on how courage can transform fear from a barrier to a catalyst for change, discussing their own experiences and the collective wisdom they've gained.

8. Take control of your life using Conscious Journaling with Founder Melanie Daigle

Melanie shares how the Conscious Journaling Framework evolved and how it has helped her take control of her life and live the life of her dreams.
Together, they explore Conscious Journaling, their journaling stories and journeys, and how journaling has impacted their lives.

The Kathy A. Davis Show (2024)

Reveal Your Authentic Self Through Conscious Journaling Ft. Melanie Daigle | Ep. 166

Cuppa Chels Podcast (2024)

An honest conversation about authenticity and how your journaling practice can help you peel back the layers to reveal the true you. We talk about how redefining your relationship with fear is the key to blazing a new trail towards the life you're meant for deep down.

Self-Love Discussion with Melanie Daigle | Ep. 009

Talking about all things regarding self-love and what that looks like! We dive into tangible tools to use to love yourself best. How to fill your cup first so you can live your best life while pouring out more love onto others.

Cuppa Chels Podcast (2020)

featured: List

let's collab

I believe we all have our own unique gifts we are meant to share with the world, and through collaborating we can help one another spread our magic and raise the vibration of the planet!


If you feel your community would benefit from learning about developing a conscious journaling practice, let's chat to see how we can work together to raise consciousness!

I can't wait to connect!

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featured: Sales Lead
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